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Denise and Zica the puppyI’ve always had a passion for animals.  It started in my very early years as I explored pristine beaches and tide pools of the Alaskan Islands looking for critters.  Later growing up in Wisconsin I was fortunate enough to have parents who also loved animals. I learned to love and care for many of the family pets and the wildlife of my childhood woods (dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, chickens, ducks, parakeets, hamsters, guinea pigs, wild birds, squirrels, and chipmunks).

I spent many hours reading about animals, watching nature shows, and pretending to be the animals.  Okay so maybe not a snake, because once you are lying on the floor unable to use your limbs there really isn’t much to do.  Little did I know that this practice and exploration of animals would serve me well in awakening my ability to communicate telepathically with animals.

I have always known that my career and life path would be with animals, but it started with education and a career in science (one of my other passions).  I moved to Oregon in 1987 to finish my undergraduate degree in Biology and later work on a Masters of Science in Fisheries with an emphasis in animal behavior.

In 2000, I thought I was in my dream job of working for the Pacific Northwest Tribes to bring salmon back from the threat of extinction.  Many years later I took an animal communication course with Terri O’Hara.

As an open-minded, but skeptical “show me the proof” scientist, my mind was blown in the third part of the course and from that point there was no going back.  In 2013, I finished an apprenticeship with Terri O’Hara to become an interspecies communicator.