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Breaking News Bulletin

Let it be noted that on February 15th, Penny broke the winter egg drought by laying the first egg of the year.  She and her hen friends were enjoying the yard when Denise and Andrea heard a lot of squawking.  As Denise looked out a window to see what was happening (note – she was not too concerned for it was not an alarm call) Andrea asked what was going on.  Denise replied “It’s Penny, and she sounds like she wants to lay an egg”.  Just as Denise finished her sentence she watch Penny take off running for the coop.  After 1/2 hour, and many bitten nails of Denise and Andrea, Penny again squawked her triumph for several minutes.  When Penny quieted down, Denise went out to find the egg which was still warm and nestled in the laying box. She thanked Penny and brought the prize to Andrea.

Two eggs
Eggs come in many designs, rarely are two eggs alike from the same hen.

If you ever decide to keep chickens let it be known that unlike the eggs you buy in a store, your hen’s eggs – no two will look alike.  Store eggs are sorted and only the perfect eggs are put into cartons and sold.  One of the joys of having hens is collecting the eggs to find out what new designs await you.

The Hen Herald would like to collect a few stories about chickens from our readers to share.  So don’t be shy, send in those stories.

The Staff.

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