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12 Days of Chickens – Number 10

Number 10:  Chickens make great squirrel guards.
Actually chickens will chase any small animal that is on the ground in their yard.  Penny loves chasing the cats, but all three hens will chase squirrels and birds that they find on the ground.  Andrea and Denise are all for the chickens patrolling the yard for squirrels and keeping them off the ground.  Denise and Andrea are constantly fighting the numerous walnut and oak tree saplings that come up everywhere in the yard.  You guessed it: planted by squirrels stashing nuts for the winter and forgetting their locations.  The interesting thing is that Andrea and Denise don’t even know where the walnut tree is, from which the squirrels are getting the nuts.  Since the chickens have arrived, the number of baby trees springing up everywhere has decreased by half.  Henny, Penny, and Sky – sic ‘em!
Drawing of chicken chasing squirrel

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